Thursday, February 27, 2014

For the Love of the Game

When Basketball season was upon us the man and I heard that our Coach from last season had pulled a fast one and ranked Aedan low at the end of last season.  We were a bit surprised because Coach had already told us he was going to try to get Aedan back on his team again.  We (and others) came to the conclusion that he did this ranking simply so Aedan would not look good to other coaches therefore going later in the draft and making it easier for Coach to pick him up.  Other coaches knew it happened as did the commissioner. He was called on it and he denied any wrongdoing.  Nothing was done.  Some of the kids that he got back weren't the highest scorers but in an effort to get some of the kids that played together last season he took them in addition to a few new (to our team) players.

We didn't do anything about it. Our opinion was that he knew we knew what happened and the higher ups also knew.  We also did not tell Aedan what went on. He was simply happy to be back on a team with a few friends.  The man and I both kept the incident in the back of our minds.  Once practices and games started it took a little while for the kids to gel as a team.  Having extra voluntary practice /shoot around each week helped build skills and also helped all the boys to learn the numerous plays. Ten plays in all are utilized and  that's a lot of work for 4th graders. But they worked their butts off, learned their plays and quickly became a team.

Our boys went undefeated in the regular season. Some games were close and they really had to work hard to get the win and other games seemed to be won easily.  Even when the other team was gunning for them and when it seemed the refs were against them they managed to pull out a win. We are now in the Playoffs and still undefeated.  The coach gets as much information on the opposing team as possible so he knows how to line up our boys. He also continued some voluntary practices when time permitted.  Our boys are playing hard and it shows in the win column.  But now all the competition is calling "cheating and shady business " and trying to take away these kids' glory. Even going so far as to report "extra practices". Well I won't have it. The boys earned their spot. No one but those boys has earned the wins as a team. Not one single boy was responsible for the wins. They were the ones on the court playing their hearts out and they deserve to have that recognized.

They are in the Finals and I hope they show all the doubters exactly what can be done when you work hard as a team and put all you have out on the court. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game, it should be a tight one with loads of action against a worthy opponent.

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