Monday, November 16, 2009

Unwanted advice

OK.. So I post something on Facebook. It's just a statement. I did not say "hey everybody what do you think?" So why does everyone feel the need to warn me and tell me what I'm doing is wrong etc. I mean seriously people. I'm a big girl I can make my own decisions an I can regret them all on my own. Thank you very much.


Christy said...

I feel your pain, sister. I posted on FB about how Nat gets all excited about the toy ads on TV and now everyone under the sun is chiming in with how they limit their kids' gifts and I should institute the same rule. Whatever, dudes, you go ahead and make it look all bare and boring under your tree. My kids will have a gonzo Christmas morning like always AND they will be grateful and use their manners like they do whenever they are given anything, large or small, which is more than many people can say about their children.

Oops, looks like I stole your rant and made it my own. Sowwy.

Bethann said...

Oh hell yeah I totally understand.. I fee the same as you.. Rant Away :)

Sharon said...

Oops! I was one of the "3 Present Per Kid" people who posted to Christy on FB. It's not a hard and fast rule---just keeps me in check when I want to spend more than I know we can afford...
