Sunday, August 15, 2010

The End is Near

It's August 15th and the summer is on it's way out. In the old days summer wasn't over til after Labor Day because that is when school started. Now school starts on August 30th so summer ends much too soon. Kids barely get 3 months of summer anymore. I'm waiting for the 12 month school year to be instituted. That would truly SUCK.

So we are in full Back to School mode in Casa de Curtin. Supplies are being purchased, clothing is being bought, washed and hung in the closet. We checked the school website and found out the name of Aedan's first grade teacher. She has a good reputation and I hope Aedan takes well to her and does well in her class.

We have decided to keep my Mother on as the kid's caregiver. Since she is still gainfully unemployed she had taken on the child care task for the summer. The kids could sleep in (not that they did) and they could swim or do whatever with her all day long rather than get dragged out at 7 am with me to go to the day care center. It was a win-win situation. I saved over $200 a week, she made some $$ while unemployed and the kids were home. Now we were faced with a child care cost of $517 when you add up the girls and Aedan before and after care. So Jim posed the question of whether she'd like to stay on to get Aedan on and off the bus and care for the girls. She said yes. So for now, until she finds a real job we are golden. :) I am excited for Aedan, he'll be able to get on and off the bus with his neighborhood friends everyday and get his homework done right away rather than waiting til nighttime. What a break.

We are tentatively planning a trip out to Dutch Wonderland next weekend as an end of summer fun day. We will be out there anyway Saturday night for an adult evening so we'll just sleep over at my parents house and head out to DW from there. Hopefully there won't be any hangovers to deal with in addition the the family fun.

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